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The function of Vitamin K for infants to adults

The function of vitamin K not only helps the process of blood clotting, but also has other functions that are no less important. You must ensure that your daily vitamin K needs are met properly so that the body stays healthy. An easy way to meet the daily needs of vitamin K is to consume foods that contain vitamin K, such as kale, spinach, turnips, mustard greens, green lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, fish, liver, meat and eggs. By consuming these foods, vitamin K needs can be fulfilled properly so that a variety of functions of vitamin K for health can be obtained.

Amount of Vitamin K the Body Needs

Everyone's vitamin K needs are different. For infants under 1 year of age, the recommended intake of vitamin K is 0.002 mg - 0.025 mg. Children aged 1-8 years, the recommended intake of vitamin K is 0.03 - 0.05 mg. While in adults, the need for vitamin K per day can be calculated based on the kilogram of body weight they have. For every kilogram of adult body weight, it takes about 0.001 mg of vitamin K. If an adult has a body weight of 55 kg, then the person's vitamin K requirement is 0.055 mg every day. Meanwhile, adults weighing 95 kg require vitamin K as much as 0.095 mg every day. To get the amount of vitamin K needed, you need to eat a varied and balanced diet. Don't worry too much if you consume too much vitamin K. Until now, there have been no studies that provide adequate evidence that there is a negative effect if the body has excess vitamin K. The good news, occasionally not meeting the required quota is also no problem. Because, vitamin K that enters the body is not directly used. When these compounds enter, vitamins will be stored in the liver for later use. Nevertheless, it would be wise to fulfill it as needed because balance is always better than too little or too much.

Important Functions of Vitamin K

Some of the things below are functions of vitamin K for the body that should be known:
  • Prevent bleeding disease in newborns

  • Newborns have very little vitamin K levels, because this vitamin cannot penetrate placental tissue. In addition, newborns do not have bacteria that help the process of formation of vitamin K in the digestive tract. This can increase the risk of haemorrhagic disease of the newborn (HDN) or bleeding disease in newborns, which can cause damage to the baby's brain due to bleeding. Therefore, newborns are strongly advised to get vitamin K injections.
  • Accelerate wound healing

  • One of the functions of vitamin K which is quite important is for blood clotting. If the body does not have enough vitamin K, even a small wound can take a very long time to heal.
  • Build and strengthen bones

  • Apart from helping the process of blood clotting, the next function of vitamin K is to build and strengthen bones. A medical study states, there is a link between the low level of circulation of vitamin K in the body with the low density of a person's bones.
There are various functions of vitamin K that are important for the body. It is recommended to eat a variety of foods with balanced nutrition to meet the needs of these vitamins. If you want to take vitamin K supplements, make sure the amount is not excessive. To be more accurate, it is advisable to consume these supplements after consulting a doctor.


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